15 Harsh Truths You Don’t Want To Hear But Must (You’ll Be 10 Times Better For It)

As a blogger and as a simple person, I cop a lot of things in the home and the stuff I write and I've written in the past. I've written about a lot of things like God, terrorists, Muslims, love.

I have been facing problems since my starting teenage. What I have learned from the problems and from life are these following points.

1. We all have problems.
Yes, we do all have problems or we can say different problems. Some have bigger problems, some have smaller ones. When a problem occurs in front of them, A typical human being started to worship the god or started to panic. That's where you are wrong.

  What you actually have to do is? Sit and relax for a minute and think what the hell is the problem?
And think what you can actually do about it? If you can do something about it and how? And if you can't do anything about it then just sit and relax until you can actually do something. There will be a time when you can do anything about the problem.

 Knowing your problems are all the same is how you stop yourself and stop feeling sorry for yourself. All of our problems are simply a process that you have to deal with.

This is all a part of the human experience and it's what we all sign up when our parents decided to have.......us in the first place.

Don't worry, there are plenty of problems left who just want to screw....you....up.

2. You don't need experience.

So many people in the workforce resist applying for their dream career because it says in the advertisement "5 years of X skills required with a proven track record".

This line is part of the template for every job ad ever written.

You can't trust your experience, because it restricts you from doing new or maybe different things. let's assume: If you are a programmer. And you are doing it for a long time and you are very experienced and pretty good at it. What if there is a language came in the programming world and you continue on doing it. You haven't tried the new language because you are pretty good in the old language and your experience says stick to the old one because you are good at this. If you try the new one you may like it or love it. If you didn't try any. So, how do you know anything?

Experience restricts you from going out of your comfort level. You can't trust it.

3. Complaining is a F*cking waste of time.

It achieves nothing is for crybabies who don't want to face the harsh and bitter truth: we're in control of everything that happens to us. Meaning: we're are in control of how we interpret all events.

Complaining is a disease that carries an antidote called "freaking stop it, please".

No one likes a complainer and it's only making you stuck in your head instead of charging forward towards your goal or becoming a nice gentleman.
4. No one gives a hoot about your personal brand.
All these personal brand courses and “building a brand on LinkedIn” are ridiculous.

No one cares about your ego, how good you think you are or your company. All we care about is what’s in it for us. If you deliver something of value, then we will all like your stuff. There nothing else to it.

Your brand is just a perception based on the results you’ve proven in the past. Your brand is only as good as what you can teach us, give us or inspire us to do.

5. Other people’s opinions don’t matter.

Being bogged down by what other people think of you is crazy! Half the time, the people who are
sharing these opinions are complete failures and are projecting their wants, needs, failures and
desires onto you. They are hoping they can live vicariously through your life because their life sucks
The only opinion that matters is yours. What you think of yourself at the end of the day. If you believe you can do the impossible, then you will.
6. You never want to have regrets.
There have been several studies conducted on what people dying to think before they pass away. Uniformly, the vast majority have regrets about things they didn’t get to do.
When you realize that there are no barriers and you should just try everything that your 
heart desires (well maybe not drugs), you live a life of no regrets.
You experience life for the miracle that it is. If you like to travel then go do it. If you want a 
career in a certain field, then go do it. The strategies, resources, people, etc. will find their
way into your life when you commit to taking action and not having regrets.

7. The human suffering is full of suffering.
In some ways, we could describe our lives as torture. From day one we are going to suffer guaranteed. On the other hand, Suffering is only torture when you allow yourself to suffer.

When you see suffering as a necessity and you use that as an advantage, that same suffering become fuel for your goals and dreams. All of the sudden, when suffering enters your life, you know what to do.

Suffering is a part of the struggle which will help you to do wonderful things in the world. If you see suffering is like an adventure, you don't know what could come in the next stage and be ready for it to play.

8. Quit wasting your time and throwing down in the toilet.

Pissing your time up against the wall doing useless activities rather than pursuing your passion(s) is the dumbest thing you can do. All of the things you want to achieve and haven’t yet can be done in the time you waste.

You think you don’t have time to write, make music, train for a sport but you do. You have just as much time as I do so why not use it to do the activities that will make you feel a sense of accomplishment.

9. Money won't make you happy.
I know what it’s like to have more money than you can spend. It means nothing. Sorry.

Deep down you know money won’t make you happy, yet you chose it because everyone else on the hamster wheel is doing the same. 

The harsh truth is that meaning and purpose (which sound corny) are far more powerful than money will ever be. 

We’re all chasing feelings, not money. You don’t want the money you want the feeling you get when you have it and buy stuff with it. Meaning and purpose give you even feel better and they are free.
The exact same opportunity is available to you. Will you take it? Will you accept this harsh truth?

10. Be you and stop being an actor.
The right people will be attracted into your life when you quit being a Bollywood actor and pretending you don’t have problems and that life is like spending every day in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory licking lollipops and having Oompa Loompas serve you everything you could ever want. (Charlie and the chocolate factory reference)
The word “actor” is what I use to describe someone who’s not being vulnerable, authentic and real with everybody.
Telling people you’re not okay is fine. Asking for help is the greatest gift you can have in times of pain and suffering.
If you’re hiding the real you because you’re ashamed of who you then know this: you can always become the person you’ve dreamt of being. It takes discipline, courage and a sense of fight to grow, adapt and admit when you’re wrong.
Accept where you are and move mountains to get where you know you can be in the future. We’re all capable of so much more than our current circumstances.

11. The only currency is time.
Quit trading time for money, distractions, toxic friends, bad habits and anything else you know is not serving what you stand for. Time is the one thing you can’t get more of. Time lets you work on those passions that send shivers down your spine.

Guard your time like you guard your life. Protect your time and spend it on things that will cause you to help others, live without regrets and be passionate.

12. Some people dreams and other just execute. Do that latter.
We’ve all got hopes and dreams but how many people do you know who actually do what they dream of. The answer is very few. That’s because dreaming is like an orgasm: it feels amazing

Execution is about not having all the answers and putting in the work. It’s spending five hours writing a blog post or doing a hundred laps of the running track to get your fitness level up.
We all want to become the best in our field but that will only happen if you experiment like crazy, learn, grow and continue executing.
You’ll gain the skills you need by executing and learning what doesn’t work. Please quit dreaming and start believing through executing.

13. Meeting society's idea of success is a loser's game.
What you see on the Internet as success is a lie. Success is whatever you make it and it varies to some degree for each and every person.
Most of what society thinks is a success is built on outdated ideas.
For us millennials, our idea of success stems from our parents who value home ownership, cars,  university and stuff that doesn’t align with who we are.
We have this inner conflict because we want to chase our own version of success, but then we lose society’s acceptance because we don’t fit the criteria of the majority.
Screw the majority. Following the herd is not how you become extraordinary: being you is.

12. Perfection doesn't exist and never will.
Nobody is perfect in this world. Perfection is the belief that there’s some Havana where nothing goes wrong. Perfection ignores failure, mistakes, a growth mindset and an unrealistic view of reality. 

"Being perfect is like touching the God: You think you touched him but you didn't."
15. We're all going to die.
The clock is ticking amigo. Stop reading this article and use the time you have left to create a legacy that’s bigger than you could ever dream of. Inspire the world through your gifts, take care of your family and come to terms with the fact you’ll have to say goodbye one day.

Unless you are some kind of superhero or an Immortal.

"Death is guranteed for all of us. It's the only certaininty we have and it's the only motivation you should ever need."


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