Overpopulation : a friend or a foe


"Democracy cannot survive overpopulation.
Human dignity cannot survive it.
convenience and decency cannot survive it.
As you put more and more people on earth, 
The value of human life decreases, 
And eventually, it disappears."

                                             - Isac Asimov

It took 200,000 years to reach the world's population to 1 billion. 100 more to reach 2 billion and again 50 more to double it. Till 1970, the earth's population is 4 billion. Now, almost 8 billion people are living on earth. This is called exponential doubling. Bartlett gives a theory about bartlett's beaker. If you take a beaker with a single bacteria a minute, which divides and doubles every minute. If the beaker is empty at 11' O clock and becomes full at 12'O clock. So, at what time the beaker is half empty?  At 11:59.............. This is the time for us now. It will burn us down before we know. Nowadays, the birth rate is higher than the death rate, Roughly, every second a baby born and every minute, a person dies. The ration of birth and death is 3600:1. On every 3600 births, 1 death. 

  Back in the 1300's, when Europe was a very big territory. the population of Europe was at its peak. One of the most devastating and deadly plagues hits Europe called the dark plague(1347-1352). This plague causes the life of millions of people. It decreases the population of Europe by 75-200 million people and it's not only limited to Europe it came to China, where it affects more. The population of China decreases from 123 million to 65 million. No one knows how this plague was born. As a matter of fact, all we know that it came from the rodents via ships and the reports were that the plague reached the seaports of Europe first. It was the greatest catastrophe ever. This will happen if we take nature for granted. If we play with nature, nature will pay us back.  That is nature's way of telling us. This is the first time nature warned us.

  In the 1800's, the population of the earth increases rapidly. so, again for that nature decides to punish us. This time it is named THE GREAT FAMINE(1845-1852) OR THE GREAT HUNGER.  it was the time of mass starvation, diseases, the emigration in Ireland. At that time, the weather becomes cold, heavy rain began in Ireland and other European countries. Due to this, the crops are unable to grow which causes widespread crop failure. There is not enough fodder for livestock. Due to the shortage of food in the country, the price of the food also increases and only few can afford that. Due to that, people started doing cannibalism infanticide(killing infants). The great famine hits India in the 1800's and 1900's, millions of people die because of the shortage of fodder and hunger. People go hungry day by day, eventually, they die. The famine caused millions of death over an extended number of years and marked a clear end to the period of growth and prosperity.

  All this happened in our past and still, we take nature for granted. We use almost all our natural resources. People are cutting trees to make more livelihood and to make more money. They don't care about the land. farmers are using artificial manure instead of natural manure. This causes more growth of the crops but it also hurts the land of the crops. The lifespan of the of the land decreases and Hence, after some time the crops are unable to grow on this land. And the government is not doing anything about it because money is all that matters to them. Maybe, we don't need the government to do anything about it. Maybe, all we need is a gauntlet and infinity stones so that someone snaps the finger. (Avengers: infinity war reference).

   Due to the overpopulation, environment, as well as people, have to face a serious problem. Due to overpopulation, Industrialization increases, due to that more and more livelihood are made which causes more pollution and deforestation. There are thousands of people who are unemployed. There are beggars on the street, who are just begging on the street just to arrange food for 2 times a day. Those people hardly doing any good to the society. Some of them are criminals. They have done the crime like murders, rape etc. They are not any use of society. If they die, then it will be good for humanity and the environment. 

  In 40 years, 32 billion people will fight for their survival. And at this time, serious birth control measures don't stand a chance. This is the violation of my right, invasion of my privacy. Still, we keep attacking the environment and keep hurting nature. we cut, we dump, we consume, we destroy. Half of the animal variant on earth is extinct vanished in the past 40 years and not coming back. Finished.  Still, we keep going. There is 5 major extinction in earth's history. 
  • Ordovician-Silurian Extinction.
  • Late Devonian Extinction.
  • Permian - Triassic Extinction.
  • Triassic - Jurassic Extiction.
  • cretaceous  - paleogene Extinction.
Unless we take bold and immediate action. The 6th Extinction will we be our own.
"Humanity is  the disease 
Inferno is the cure."



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